ABILITY Insurance Discovery
ABILITY Insurance Discovery
Find more coverage, improve collections
ABILITY Insurance Discovery reduces uncompensated care and underpayments by identifying additional billable insurance coverage for patients. Our superior discovery tool goes above and beyond to identify more complex cases involving multiple commercial and government payers, which means more reimbursement dollars for you.
Discover all of the coverage that applies to your patients
Better technology, better results
Application returns an average insurance identification hit rate of 39.7% on uninsured accounts.
Lower A/R days, fewer denials
Billing the appropriate parties the first time keeps claims moving and prevents reimbursement delays.
More in-depth searches
Maximize reimbursements by identifying more complex cases involving multiple commercial and government payers.
- Key features
- Frequently asked questions
Additional resources
Knowledge is power! Check out this additional content for insight about how your organization can benefit from ABILITY software.